The Tree Blog

This blog will serve as a place for you to discover, explore, and learn all about trees. We hope to help you understand and grow your knowledge of these mysterious and beautiful creations.

Trees communicating in a forest together.

How Do Trees Communicate?

How Do Trees Communicate With Each Other? Science is pretty impressive, and we learn more and more about the world around us every day through science....

What is pruning header image, a man pruning a tree.

What is Pruning?

What is Pruning? (Benefits, Methods, and FAQ) When a gardener selectively chooses which branches to trim off a plant or bush, it is called pruning. By...

A beautiful forest of colourful trees.

How to Identify Trees

How to Identify Trees (Every Single Time) Whether you're a lover of trees, are passionate about the great outdoors and spend a lot of time in...